Showing posts with label self reliance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self reliance. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2024

All about power


We are so lucky.

It’s not everyday one gets to see the world break. Election 2024 is one of those times. Don’t tell me how you voted, if you voted, or if you aren’t even a US citizen. We are all on this ride together. That doesn’t mean we are all equal. Some are driving the bus. Others are sitting in back. Then there are those of us sitting on the roof like peasants in a third world country.

At least the view is good from up here.

Passengers are jumping off and rolling in the dust. Sounds dangerous.

I’m taking this metaphor too far.

Now is the time to come into your power. Not power over other people. That’s against cosmic rules. We are here on this big blue marble to grow and learn.

-and drink good coffee. I mean. Coffee.

The most powerful being is one that has power over oneself. Do not be a child and let your emotions dictate your actions. Feel what you need to feel, but then do what has to be done.

-or go fishing. It has been said all the gods have gone fishing. Maybe they are onto something.

We’ve been at crossroads like this before. 1939 comes to mind. Some annoying man with a big voice did more than ruin a mustache style. There are plenty of little pocket Hitlers reaching for the brass ring. Little do they know that ring goes in their nose like a troublesome bull. Such a small bit of metal can steer a ton of steer.

Be the ring, not the nose.

Reach for your power. It’s right there. Shatter expectations. Take positive action or at least have a positive mental state. Mental health is no joke. Before you can rescue anyone else you have to rescue yourself. Apply your oxygen mask before assisting your neighbor. Just because the plane is going down in flames doesn’t mean you can’t breath easy.

Buyers remorse has set in. Look up “Night of the Long Knives, Röhm purge.” Just because you support someone doesn’t mean you won’t end up as their victim.

Have fun with that.

So . . . it’s been almost a decade since I’ve posted. Time flies when one is off in the wilderness. I’m back, with feeling, and the steady beat of a pure heart.